Wed, Mar 17, 2021

• Tabata Air Bike

3 rounds:
• 10 Arm Circles CW
• 10 Arm Circles CCW
• 10 Jumping Jacks
• 10 Mountain Climbers

3 rounds:
• 10 Incline DB Bench Press 30/20#
• 10 Bent-over DB Rows 30/20#

Bench Press
• 3 reps at 60% of 1RM
• 3 reps at 70% of 1RM
• 3+ reps at 80% of 1RM

Weighted Pull-ups
• 3 reps at 60% of 1RM
• 3 reps at 70% of 1RM
• 3+ reps at 80% of 1RM

3 rounds:
• 10 Russian Twists w/ Plate 25/15#
• 20 Bicycle Sit-ups

EMOM until 100 Push-ups:
• 10/8-calorie Row
• Max Push-ups

Every minute, complete 10 calories for men / 8 calories for women on the concept2 rower (rollover calories from previous round count) then as many push-ups as possible in the remaining time. Continue this until 100 push-ups have been completed. Score is time. Time cap: 20 min

Scaled option:
Alternating EMOM until 100 Push-ups:
• Even min: 10/8-calorie Row
• Odd min: Max Push-ups

In the first minute, complete 10 calories for men / 8 calories for women on the concept2 rower, rest in the remaining time. Then in the second minute, complete as many push-ups as possible. Repeat this until 100 push-ups have been completed. Score is time.