Tue, Jun 25, 2024

• 400 m Run

2 rounds:
• 30 sec Couch Stretch Right
• 30 sec Couch Stretch Left
• 30 sec Goblet Squat Hold 53/35#
• 30 sec Pike Stretch
• 30 sec Straddle Stretch
• 30 sec Goblet Squat Hold 53/35#

Conditioning (part 1)
“Tabata Barbell”
• Tabata Deadlift 185/125#
• 1 min Rest
• Tabata Hang Power Clean 135/95#
• 1 min Rest
• Tabata Front Squat 85/55#
• 1 min Rest
• Tabata Push Press 65/45#

A Tabata interval is 20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest for 8 intervals. Goal: 200 (50/40/50/60)

Rest 4 min between workouts.

Conditioning (part 2)
5 rounds for time:
• 30 Air Squats
• 20 Push-ups
• 15/10 Row calories

Goal: 12 min.

20-15-10-5 reps:
Knees to Elbows
GHD Hip Extensions

3 rounds:
• 30 sec Legs Up The Wall Pose
• 30 sec Figure 4 Stretch on the Wall Right
• 30 sec Figure 4 Stretch on the Wall Left
• 30 sec Child’s Pose