Fri, Jan 9, 2015

• 20 cal Air Bike
• 10 PVC Good Mornings
• 10 Front-to-back Leg Swings /leg
• 10 Side-to-side Leg Swings /leg

• 30 sec Lying Knee to Chest Right
• 30 sec Lying Knee to Chest Left
• 30 sec Pike Stretch
• 30 sec Straddle Stretch

Deadlift (Test for 1 Rep Max)
• Warmup reps with just the bar
• 5 reps @55% of 1RM
• 3 reps @65% of 1RM
• 1 rep @75% of 1RM
• 1 rep @85% of 1RM
• 1 rep @95% of 1RM
• 1 rep @101-105% of 1RM

* Rest 2 minutes between each set

3 rounds:
• 10 Romanian Deadlifts 135/95#
• 10 Evil Wheels
• 10 GHD Sit-ups

* For the Romanian Deadlift, do not go all the way back down to the floor in between reps, just past the knee to mid-shin (as demonstrated by Mark Bell in the video)

10 min AMRAP:
• 8 Deadlifts 185/135#
• 8 Burpee Box Jumps 24/20”

Wed, Jan 7, 2015

• 300 m Row
• 10 m Spiderman Lunges
• 10 m Duck Walk

3 rounds of:
• 10 Air Squats
• 10 sec Squat Hold

Back Squat (Test for 1 Rep Max)
• Warmup reps with just the bar
• 5 reps @55% of 1RM
• 3 reps @65% of 1RM
• 1 rep @75% of 1RM
• 1 rep @85% of 1RM
• 1 rep @95% of 1RM
• 1 rep @101-105% of 1RM

* Rest 2 minutes between each set

3 rounds:
• 10 Toes-to-bar
• 10 Sit-up to Pike

8 rounds for time:
• 200 m Run
• 5 Air Squats
• 5 Push-ups
• 5 Pull-ups

Tue, Jan 6, 2015

• 100 Single Unders
• 50 Double Unders
• 10 Triple Unders
• 15 PVC Overhead Squats
• 15 PVC Passthroughs
• 30 sec Goblet Squat Hold 70/53#
• 30 sec Pigeon Pose Right
• 30 sec Pigeon Pose Left
• 30 sec Spiderman Lunge Right
• 30 sec Spiderman Lunge Left
• 30 sec Goblet Squat Hold 70/53#

Snatch (Test for 1 Rep Max)
• Warmup reps with just the bar
• 5 reps @55% of 1RM
• 3 reps @65% of 1RM
• 1 rep @75% of 1RM
• 1 rep @85% of 1RM
• 1 rep @95% of 1RM
• 1 rep @101-105% of 1RM

* Rest 2 minutes between each set

3 rounds of:
• 15 sec Hollow Body Hold
• 15 sec Rest
• 15 sec Side Plank Hold Right
• 15 sec Rest
• 15 sec Plank Hold
• 15 sec Rest
• 15 sec Side Plank Hold Left
• 15 sec Rest

16 min Alternating EMOM:
• 1 min: 15/12 cal Row
• 1 min: 10 Hang Power Snatch 95/65#
• 1 min: 10 Ring Dips
• 1 min: Rest

* One minute to complete each station. Rest in time remaining. Repeat cycle. Stop when clock hits 16 min.

Mon, Jan 5, 2015

• 10 cal Air Bike
• 20 Jumping Jacks
• 20 Cossack Side Lunges
• 20 Scorpions

2 rounds:
• 10 PVC Passthroughs
• 10 PVC Overhead Lunges
• 10 PVC Overhead Squats

Overhead Squat (Test for 1 Rep Max)
• Warmup reps with just the bar
• 5 reps @55% of 1RM
• 3 reps @65% of 1RM
• 1 rep @75% of 1RM
• 1 rep @85% of 1RM
• 1 rep @95% of 1RM
• 1 rep @101-105% of 1RM

* Rest 2 minutes between each set

For time:
• 100 Wall Ball Shots 20/14# at 10/9’ target

20 – 15 – 10 – 5 reps of:
AbMat Sit-ups
GHD Back Extensions

12 min AMRAP:
• 12 Overhead Squat
• 12 Box Jumps 24/20”

* Start with just the bar (45/35#)
* After each round, add 20/10#
* Men: 45, 65, 85, 105, 125, 145, etc
* Women: 35, 45, 55, 65, 75, 85, etc

Sat, Jan 3, 2015

• 500 m Row
• 10 m High Knees
• 10 m Butt Kicks
• 10 m High Kicks
• 10 m High Knee Skips
• 10 Jumping Jacks
• 10 Air Squats
• 45 sec Spiderman Lunge Right
• 45 sec Spiderman Lunge Left
• 45 sec Pigeon Pose Right
• 45 sec Pigeon Pose Left

For 9 min, every 3 min:
• 1 Hang Snatch

For 9 min, every 3 min:
• 1 Hang Clean

*Increase weight. Work up to heaviest 1 rep.

Max unbroken:
• Ring Muscle Ups

• 400 m Run
• 20 Toes-to-bar
• 400 m Run
• 30 Goblet Squats 53/35#
• 400 m Run
• 40 Wall Balls 20/14#
• 400 m Run
• 30 Goblet Squats 53/35#
• 400 m Run
• 20 Toes-to-bar
• 400 m Run

Fri, Jan 2, 2015

• 50 Double Unders

3 rounds of:
• 15 Air Squats
• 10 Push-ups
• 5 Pull-ups

• 50 Double Unders
• 30 Arm Circles / Arm Hugs

Bench Press (Test for 1 Rep Max)
• Warmup reps with just the bar
• 5 reps @55% of 1RM
• 3 reps @65% of 1RM
• 1 rep @75% of 1RM
• 1 rep @85% of 1RM
• 1 rep @95% of 1RM
• 1 rep @101-105% of 1RM

* Rest 2 minutes between each set

4 rounds of:
• 10 GHD Glute Ham Raises
• 10 sec L-sit Hold

21-15-9 reps for time:

• Thruster 95/65#
• Pull-ups

5 min Rest

Skinny “Narf”
9-15-21 reps for time:

• Pull-ups
• Thruster 45/35#

Wed, Dec 31, 2014

• 300 m Row

2 rounds of:
• 10 Jumping Jacks
• 10 Kettlebell Swings 35/18#
• 10 PVC Passthroughs
• 10 PVC Shoulder Press

Shoulder Press (Test for 1 Rep Max)
• Warmup reps with just the bar
• 5 reps @55% of 1RM
• 3 reps @65% of 1RM
• 1 rep @75% of 1RM
• 1 rep @85% of 1RM
• 1 rep @95% of 1RM
• 1 rep @101-105% of 1RM

* Rest 2 minutes between each set

12-10-8 reps of:
Russian Med Ball Twists
GHD Sit-up
Good Mornings 45/35#

3 rounds for max reps/cals:
• 1 min complete a 200 m Run
• 1 min Box Jumps 20”
• 1 min Jumping Lunges
• 1 min AirBike calories
• 1 min Rest

* Score is total reps + calories

Tue, Dec 30, 2014

• 45 sec Spiderman Lunge Right
• 45 sec Spiderman Lunge Left
• 45 sec Pigeon Pose Right
• 45 sec Pigeon Pose Left

2 rounds:
• 200 m Run
• 10 Air Squats
• 10 Arm Circles

Clean & Jerk (Test for 1 Rep Max)
• Warmup reps with just the bar
• 5 reps @55% of 1RM
• 3 reps @65% of 1RM
• 1 rep @75% of 1RM
• 1 rep @85% of 1RM
• 1 rep @95% of 1RM
• 1 rep @101-105% of 1RM

* Rest 2 minutes between each set

4 Rounds of:
• 10 m Seal Walks
• 10 Hollow Body Rocks

5 rounds for time:
• 20 Double Unders
• 15 Wall Balls 20/14#
• 10 Ground to Overhead 135/95#

Mon, Dec 29, 2014

• 20 cal Air Bike
• 15 Jumping Jacks
• 10 Goblet Squats 53/35#
• 5 Inch Worms

Front Squat (Test for 1 Rep Max)
• Warmup reps with just the bar
• 5 reps @55% of 1RM
• 3 reps @65% of 1RM
• 1 rep @75% of 1RM
• 1 rep @85% of 1RM
• 1 rep @95% of 1RM
• 1 rep @101-105% of 1RM

* Rest 2 minutes between each set

For time:
• 100 Push-ups

6 min EMOM:
• 10 AbMat Sit-ups
Arch Body Hold in remaining time

10 min AMRAP of 2-4-6-8 … +2 reps:
• Overhead Squat 95/65#
• Chest-to-bar Pull-ups

* Continue the +2 rep pattern until time runs out. Score is total reps completed.

Sat, Dec 27, 2014

• 400 m Run

3 rounds of:
• 10 Russian Kettlebell Swings 70/53#
• 10 GHD Glute Ham Raises
• 10 Good Mornings 45/35#
• 10 Walking Lunges 45/35#
• 10 PVC Passthroughs

Squat Complex
3 sets of:
• 1 Overhead Squat
• 3 Front Squat
• 5 Back Squat
* Increase weight each set, as heavy as able to complete all reps.

Bulgarian Split Squat (DB or BB)
• 5 sets of 10 reps / leg @lightweight

5 min AMRAP:
• 10 Toes-to-bar
• 10 Wall Balls 20/14#

2 min Rest

3 min AMRAP:
• 8 Toes-to-bar
• 8 Wall Balls 20/14#

1 min Rest

1 min AMRAP:
• 6 Toes-to-bar
• 6 Wall Balls 20/14#

Fri, Dec 26, 2014

• 500 m Row
• 10 m High Kicks
• 10 m High Knees

2 Rounds of:
• 10 PVC Good Mornings
• 10 PVC Side Twists
• 10 PVC Deadlifts
• 10 PVC Passthroughs

• 5 reps @40% of 1RM
• 5 reps @50% of 1RM
• 5 reps @60% of 1RM

Clean Grip Pulls
• 5 reps @60% of 1RM
• 5 reps @70% of 1RM

Snatch Grip Pulls
• 5 reps @60% of 1RM
• 5 reps @70% of 1RM

6 minutes of:
• 20 sec Plank Hold
• 10 sec Rest
• 20 sec Hollow Body Hold
• 10 sec Rest

“Diane” 21-15-9 reps for time:
• Deadlift 225/155#
• Handstand Push-up

1 min Rest

3 rounds for time:
• 200 m Sprint
• 30 sec Rest
* Score is quickest 200m Run

Wed, Dec 24, 2014

• 30 sec Pigeon Pose Right
• 30 sec Pigeon Pose Left
• 30 sec Goblet Squat Hold
• 30 sec Jumping Jacks
• 20 cal Air-Bike
• 10 m Lunge
• 10 m Lunge Backwards

Back Squat
• 5 reps @40% of 1RM
• 5 reps @50% of 1RM
• 5 reps @60% of 1RM

Weighted Pull-ups
• 5 reps @40% of 1RM
• 5 reps @50% of 1RM
• 5 reps @60% of 1RM

2 Rounds of:
• 100 Flutter Kicks (left + right = 1)
• 20 AbMat Sit-ups

For time:
• 100 Double Unders
• 80 Air Squats
• 60 Kettlebell Swings 53/35#
• 40 Front Rack Lunges 95/65#
• 20 Hang Power Cleans 95/65#
• 10 Bar Muscle Ups

Tue, Dec 23, 2014

• 400 m Run
• 10 m High Knees
• 10 m Butt Kicks
• 10 m High Kicks
• 10 m Backwards Run
• 20 PVC Passthroughs
• 15 PVC Overhead Squats
• 10 Leg Swings (each leg)

Overhead Squat
• 5 reps @40% of 1RM
• 5 reps @50% of 1RM
• 5 reps @60% of 1RM

• 5 reps @40% of 1RM
• 5 reps @50% of 1RM
• 5 reps @60% of 1RM

• 20 Rolling V Ups

21-15-9 reps for time:
• One-arm DB Snatch 70/40#
• AirBike calories

Then immediately

21-15-9 reps for time:
• Power Snatch 95/65#
• Burpees

Mon, Dec 22, 2014

• 300 m Row
• 15 PVC Passthroughs
• 10 Scorpions

2 rounds of strict “Cindy”:
• 5 Pull-ups
• 10 Push-ups
• 15 Air Squats

Shoulder Press
• 5 reps @40% of 1RM
• 5 reps @50% of 1RM
• 5 reps @60% of 1RM

Bench Press
• 5 reps @40% of 1RM
• 5 reps @50% of 1RM
• 5 reps @60% of 1RM

• 5 attempts at 1RM Vertical Jump

4 rounds:
• 10 Back Extensions
• 10 Hollow Rocks

6 rounds for max reps/cals:
• 20 sec Bench Press 135/95#
• 10 sec Rest
• 20 sec DB Shoulder Press 35/20#
• 10 sec Rest
• 20 sec Row
• 10 sec Rest
• 20 sec Handstand Push-ups
• 10 sec Rest

Sat, Dec 20, 2014

• 20 cal AirBike
• 10 m High Knees
• 10 m Butt Kicks
• 10 m High Kicks
• 10 m Walking Lunges
• 20 PVC Passthroughs
• 15 PVC Overhead Squats
• 10 Leg Swings (each leg)

10 min on the clock:
• 3 attempts at 1RM Snatch

10 min on the clock:
• 3 attempts at 1RM Clean & Jerk

Score = weight of best Snatch + weight of best Clean & Jerk

For time:
• 100 Push-ups

4 rounds:
• 50 m Reverse Overhead Ball Toss 40/20#
• 50 m Sprint
• 50 m Sled Push 135/90#

Fri, Dec 19, 2014

• 200 m Backwards Run
• 15 Zombie Squats
• 10 Burpees

1 round:
• 30 sec Spiderman Lunge Right
• 30 sec Spiderman Lunge Left
• 30 sec Goblet Squat Hold
• 30 sec PVC Passthroughs

Front Squat
• 5 reps @40% of 1RM
• 5 reps @50% of 1RM
• 5 reps @60% of 1RM

Clean & Jerk
• 5 reps @40% of 1RM
• 5 reps @50% of 1RM
• 5 reps @60% of 1RM

4 rounds:

• 10 GHD Back Extensions
• 10 GHD Sit-ups

Double “Jackie
2 rounds for time:

• 1,000 m Row
• 50 Thrusters 45/35#
• 30 Pull-ups

Wed, Dec 17, 2014

• 500 m Row

12-10-8 reps:
• Dumbbell Box Step-ups 30s/15s#
• Dumbbell Deadlift 30s/15s#

• 5 reps @70% of 1RM
• 3 reps @80% of 1RM
• 1 rep @90% of 1RM

Clean Grip Pulls
• 3 reps @90% of Clean 1RM
• 1 rep @100% of Clean 1RM

Snatch Grip Pulls
• 3 reps @90% of Snatch 1RM
• 1 rep @100% of Snatch 1RM

For time:
• 100 AbMat Sit-ups

8 min AMRAP (climbing ladder):
3-6-9-12 … reps of:

• Deadlift 225/155#
Bar-facing Burpees

1 min Rest

For time:
• 800 m Run

Tue, Dec 16, 2014

3 rounds:
• 50 Jump Rope Swings (singles)
• 100 m Run

1 round:
• 30 sec Pigeon Pose Right
• 30 sec Pigeon Pose Left
• 30 sec Goblet Squat Hold
• 30 sec Arm Circles

Back Squat
• 5 reps @70% of 1RM
• 3 reps @80% of 1RM
• 1 rep @90% of 1RM

Weighted Pull-ups
• 5 reps @70% of 1RM
• 3 reps @80% of 1RM
• 1 rep @90% of 1RM

4 rounds:
• 10 Evil Wheels
• 20 Toes-to-bar
• 30 sec L-sit

10 min AMRAP:
• 15 Wall Ball 20/14#
• 12 Box Jump 24/20”
• 9 Chest-to-bar Pull-ups

Mon, Dec 15, 2014

4 rounds:
• :10 Jumping Jacks
• :10 Air Squats
• :10 Mountain Climbers
• :10 Lunges

2 rounds:
• 10 Overhead Arm Circles
• 10 PVC Passthroughs
• 10 Kettlebell Swings 53/35#

Overhead Squat
• 5 reps @70% of 1RM
• 3 reps @80% of 1RM
• 1 rep @90% of 1RM

• 5 reps @70% of 1RM
• 3 reps @80% of 1RM
• 1 rep @90% of 1RM

3 min AMRAP:
Flutter Kicks (left + right = 1)

1 min Rest

3 min AMRAP:
AbMat Sit-ups

Clock Starts

10-8-6-4-2 reps/cals for time:
• Overhead Squat 95/65#
• Row

At 6:00 on the clock

10-8-6-4-2 reps for time:
• Snatch 95/65#
• Push-ups
• Double Unders x5

* rep count for the Double Unders will be 50-40-30-20-10

Sat, Dec 13, 2014

• 10 m High Knees
• 10 m Butt Kicks
• 10 m Karaoke/Grapevines
• 10 m High Kicks
• 10 m Donkey Kicks
• 10 m Lunge Twist
• 10 m Sprint
• 10 m Sprint Backwards

Back Squat:
• 20 reps @ 45#
• 19 reps @ 55#
• 18 reps @ 65#
… continue -1 rep +10#
• 3 reps @ 215#
• 2 reps @ 225#
• 1 rep @ 235#

Scale as needed.

Kettlebell Ladder Conga Line:
10 min AMRAP:
• 5 Kettlebell Swings 18#
• 5 Kettlebell Swings 35#
• 5 Kettlebell Swings 53#
• 5 Kettlebell Swings 70#
• 1 min Rest

Extra Work
4 rounds for time:
• 50 m Sled Push/Pull 90/50#
• 100 m Sprint