Mon, Jun 17, 2024

• 20 cal Air Bike

4 rounds:
• 10 sec Arm Circles CW
• 10 sec Arm Circles CCW
• 10 sec Arm Hugs
• 10 sec Arm Swings
• 10 sec Plank Hold
• 10 sec Butterfly Stretch

3 rounds:
• 10 Ring Rows
• 5 Inch Worm Push-ups

Week 3/16: Inverted Juggernaut Method
Bench Press
• 5 reps at 50% T1RM
• 3 reps at 60% T1RM
• 1 set at 70% T1RM
• AMRAP at 75% T1RM

T1RM is your Training 1 Rep Max which is 90% of your true, or estimated, 1RM. AMRAP means to perform as many reps as possible; to failure. Rest as needed between sets.

Rest 1-2 min between all sets.

Back Squat
• 5 reps at 50% T1RM
• 3 reps at 60% T1RM
• 1 set at 70% T1RM
• AMRAP at 75% T1RM

For help calculating percentages, download the Inverted Juggernaut Method Calculator. Download it and then type in your 1RMs.

3 rounds:
• 30 Flutter Kicks
• 10 GHD Sit-ups

3 rounds:
• 60 sec Legs Up The Wall Pose
• 30 sec Pigeon Pose Right
• 30 sec Pigeon Pose Left
• 30 sec Downward Facing Dog
• 30 sec Upward Facing Dog