Fri, Sep 13, 2024

• 400 m Run

3 rounds:
• 30 sec Couch Stretch Right
• 30 sec Couch Stretch Left
• 30 sec Samson Stretch Hold Right
• 30 sec Samson Stretch Hold Left

2 rounds:
• 10 PVC Passthroughs
• 10 PVC Good Mornings
• 10 PVC Overhead Squats

Conditioning (part 1)
5 rounds for max reps:
2 min:

• 20 Thrusters 75/55#
• 10 Toes-to-bar
• Max Power Snatches 75/55#
2 min: Rest

Goal: 50.

Rest 5-10 min between workouts.

Conditioning (part 2)
10 min AMRAP:
• 2 Russian Kettlebell Swings 70/53#
• 2 Burpee Pull-ups
• 4 Russian Kettlebell Swings 70/53#
• 4 Burpee Pull-ups
• 6 Russian Kettlebell Swings 70/53#
• 6 Burpee Pull-ups

Continue pattern until time is up.

Goal: finish round of 12s.

3 rounds:
• 60 sec Legs Up The Wall Pose
• 30 sec Pigeon Pose Right
• 30 sec Pigeon Pose Left
• 30 sec Downward Facing Dog
• 30 sec Upward Facing Dog