Fri, Mar 7, 2025

• 400 m Run

3 rounds:
• 10 Jumping Jacks
• 10 Mountain Climbers

3 rounds:
• 60 sec Thoracic Spine BB Stretch
• 30 sec Downward Facing Dog
• 30 sec Upward Facing Dog

Conditioning (part 1)
3-6-9-12-9-6-3 reps for time:
• Dumbbell Hang Power Clean & Jerk 50/35#
• Toes-to-bar

For the DB Hang Power C&J, the shoulder-to-overhead portion can be a press, push press or any type of jerk.

Goal: 7 min.

Conditioning (part 2)
10 rounds for time:
• 10 Row (calories)
• 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 Bench Presses BW / 75% BW

Round 1 is a 10-calorie row then 10 bench presses at bodyweight for men / 75% bodyweight for women. Round 2 is 10-calorie row then 9 bench presses. Round 3, 10-cal row, 8 bench presses. Continue pattern until the 10th and final round is 10-cal row, 1 bench press. Score is time completed, include weight of barbell (if comfortable sharing).

Goal: 15 min.

3 rounds:
• 30 sec Child’s Pose
• 30 sec Cat-Cow Stretch
• 30 sec Knees-to-Chest Pose
• 30 sec Reclining Butterfly Pose