Wed, Apr 17, 2024

• 400 m Run

3 rounds:
• 30 sec Pigeon Pose Right
• 30 sec Pigeon Pose Left
• 30 sec Goblet Squat Hold 70/53#
• 30 sec Standing Toe Touch Hold

2 rounds:
• 10 PVC Passthroughs
• 10 PVC Good Mornings
• 10 PVC Overhead Squats

• 5 sets of 5 reps at 80% of 5RM

Snatch Grip Pulls
• 5 reps at 90% of 1RM Snatch
• 5 reps at 100% of 1RM Snatch
• 5 reps at 110% of 1RM Snatch

Clean & Jerk
• 5 sets of 5 reps at 80% of 5RM

3-Position Clean (upper thigh, below knee, floor)
• 2 at 60% of 1RM Clean
• 2 at 65% of 1RM Clean
• 2 at 70% of 1RM Clean

3 rounds:
• 30 sec Pec Stretch w/ Band Right
• 30 sec Pec Stretch w/ Band Left
• 30 sec Downward Facing Dog
• 30 sec Upward Facing Dog
• 30 sec Lying Glutes Stretch Right
• 30 sec Lying Glutes Stretch Left