• 20 cal Air Bike
3 rounds:
• 10 Mountain Climbers
• 10 Air Squats
2 rounds:
• 10 Sit-up to Pike
• 10 Sit-up to Straddle
• 10 Supine Scorpions (face up)
• 10 Prone Scorpions (face down)
20 min Alternating EMOM:
Even Min:
• 12/10 Row calories
Odd Min:
• Max Burpees over Rower
Start by completing a 12-calorie row for men, 10-calorie row for women within the first minute, rest in remaining time. Then in the next minute, complete as many lateral burpees over the rower as possible. Repeat this until 20 minutes is up. Score is total number of burpees over rower. Goal: 120.
Rest 5-10 min between workouts.
40-30-20-10 reps for time:
• Russian Kettlebell Swings 70/53#
• Wall Balls 20/14#
Goal: Sub 10 min.